Descubre Tu Historia: Apps para Hacer tu Árbol Genealógico - Litrox

Discover Your History: Apps to Make Your Family Tree


Our family history is an essential part of our identity.

Knowing who our ancestors were and understanding how they became who we are today is an enriching experience.


Thanks to technology, it is now easier than ever to explore our past with the help of family tree creation applications.

Here I present three outstanding applications: Ancestry, FamilySearch, and MyHeritage.



Ancestry It is one of the most well-known and complete applications for genealogical research.

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This app allows you not only to create your family tree, but also to access a vast historical database. Some of its features include:

  • Access to Historical Records- Explore millions of records, from censuses and birth certificates to military documents and old photos.
  • DNA tests: Ancestry offers DNA testing that helps you discover your ethnic origins and connect with relatives you may not have known existed.
  • Interactive Family Tree: Create and view your family tree intuitively, adding information about your ancestors and connecting with other family trees.

The main benefit of Ancestry is its extensive database and the ability to perform DNA testing, which provides a more complete view of your roots.


FamilySearch is a free app operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and is a great option for those who want to delve deeper into their genealogy at no cost. Its features include:

  • Records Search: Access a database of millions of records from around the world to find information about your ancestors.
  • Family tree: Create and share your family tree with family members, collaborating to add details and correct information.
  • Explore Family History: FamilySearch offers tools to explore the history and culture of your ancestors, giving you a richer perspective on your heritage.

The main benefit of FamilySearch is its free nature and its vast collection of historical records, making genealogy accessible to everyone.


MyHeritage stands out for its focus on connectivity and technological innovation in genealogical research. This app offers:

  • DNA tests: Like Ancestry, MyHeritage offers DNA testing to discover your ethnic origins and connect with relatives.
  • Detailed Family Tree- Create a detailed family tree and access a database of billions of historical records.
  • Enhanced Photos: One of the coolest features of MyHeritage is the ability to enhance and colorize old photos, giving them new life and context.

The biggest benefit of MyHeritage is its ability to bring history to life through enhanced and colorized photos, as well as its focus on family connectivity.

The Importance of Discovering your Family Tree

Discovering your family tree and learning about your ancestors is an experience that can change your perspective on who you are and where you come from.

Some of the reasons why it is important to research your genealogy include:

  • Connection with the Past: Understanding your family's history allows you to feel a deeper connection to the past and appreciate the experiences and sacrifices of your ancestors.
  • Identity and Belonging: Knowing your roots can strengthen your sense of identity and belonging, providing you with a clearer understanding of your origins and culture.
  • Family Legacy: Creating a family tree is a way to preserve your family's history and legacy for future generations, ensuring that the stories and achievements of your ancestors are not lost over time.

Additionally, genealogical research can be a fascinating and educational activity that involves the entire family, fostering collaboration and interest in family history.

Discover Your History: Apps to Make Your Family Tree


In short, applications like Ancestry, FamilySearch, and MyHeritage They have revolutionized the way we explore our genealogy.

These tools not only make it easy to create family trees, but also offer access to vast databases of historical records and DNA tests that help us discover more about our ancestors.

Genealogical research is an adventure that connects us to our roots and allows us to better understand who we are.

Whether you're looking for information about a particular ancestor or simply want to explore your heritage, these apps give you the tools you need to embark on this exciting journey.

So do not expect more. If you've ever been curious about your ancestors and want to learn more about your family history, download one of these apps and start discovering your family tree today.

You will see how each branch and leaf of your tree reveals a little more about you and your legacy!

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